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This is the Beginning of the End

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This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 4 Empty Re: This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Lun Lug 15, 2024 12:38 pm

I do not add any comments to these news. Since they are taken from newspapers from different parts of the world, in different languages, in order to give a reading of the facts from different perspectives, use the Chrome Browser (or the Edge Browser) and translate everything with the 'Translate' option.

Chinese and Russian naval forces kicked off a joint drill at a military port in southern China on Sunday, the official Xinhua news agency reported, days after NATO allies called Beijing a "decisive enabler" of the war in Ukraine.

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Disastrous heat in Paris: Summer Olympics to be rescheduled

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Peru's 85-year-old former president Fujimori plans to run for next president

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NATO's defense plan against Russia calls for 35-50 brigades: military source

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Four Russian Warships, Three Chinese Navy Vessels Spotted by US Off Alaska Coast

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Hamas withdraws from talks: "Enough massacres of unarmed civilians"

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The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service has published a memo, which states that France is planning to send a 2,000-strong military force to Ukraine to strengthen Kiev's defense against Moscow's invasion

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A Japanese warship has infiltrated China's territorial sea

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At least 22 people were killed in an attack on a makeshift mosque in Gaza City camp, hospital official says

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Biden warns that a North Korean nuclear attack would trigger an 'overwhelming' US response

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Video of Russia dropping 3-ton bomb in Ukraine heightens sense of crisis

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“I am concerned about what is happening to our country.” One day after the attack on Donald Trump, the Republican Party convention is taking place in Milwaukee. The city resembles a maximum security wing

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Israel Bombs Gaza School, Kills 17 at UNRWA Evacuation Center

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North Korea releases South Korean leaflet: Kim Yo Jong 'Prepare for the price'

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Chinese Communist Party meets to set direction for struggling economy

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Anti-Israel Camps Dismantled at Universities Across Canada

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Forecasts indicate a significant increase in temperatures, well above seasonal averages. In some areas, peaks of up to 43°C are expected, a significant thermal anomaly even for the hottest period of the year.

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Car attack in central Israel

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Weather Alert, another storm coming from the Atlantic Ocean will reach Europe tomorrow: France, England, Germany, Denmark, Poland and then also Sweden and Lithuania will be hit by very violent bad weather phenomena

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Dengue, Italy: Suspected cases in Brescia, Genoa and Florence

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Avian Flu (H5N1) Explained: Human Infections in US Rise to 7

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The original post was here:

Messaggi : 1433
Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
Località : 43.914150, 12.917861

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This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 4 Empty Re: This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Mar Lug 16, 2024 10:43 am

Armenia, another of the former states that made up the Soviet Union, is preparing to conduct military exercises with NATO. And so Moscow will find another of its former republics transformed into an enemy, or at least a serious threat. It seems that there is a race to completely set this planet on fire. No one is safe from this pandemic of madness.

Armenia, a long-time ally of Russia, has launched joint military exercises with the United States in a bid to strengthen its ties with the US and other Western allies.

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North Korea lashes out at US allies and NATO intruders

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Rocket barrage fired into northern Israel after three killed in attack in Lebanon blamed on Israel

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Germany is drawing up plans to ensure hundreds of thousands of troops can move along a major road that runs through much of the country in the event of war with Russia.

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Russia Hit By Mysterious Wave Of Train Derailments

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Russia and China send more warships to disputed South China Sea

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The Israeli military has reported the death of the mastermind of the October 7 massacre, Rafa Salama. The fate of Hamas military leader Deif remains uncertain

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The Hungarian government has reacted with outrage to the decision of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to boycott the meetings planned in Hungary under the leadership of the Hungarian Council Presidency.

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Nato-Ukraine command in Wiesbaden: Russia threatens military retaliation. In Wiesbaden, southern Germany, a NATO command in support of Ukraine has begun work at a US Army base. There, the Ukrainian armed forces will be trained and deliveries of weapons and equipment will be coordinated.

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Heatwave in Greece: Over 30 degrees at night and deformed runways

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Pakistan: "This is a cause for concern," America says on PAK government's decision to ban Imran Khan's party

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North Korea: North Korea 30 Students Killed for Watching Korean TV Show, Report Claims

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Israel's War on Hamas: Houthis Attack MSC UNIFIC Red Sea Shocks Netanyahu

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Bus Falls Into Swollen River...More Than 60 People Missing, Including Passengers Who Were Thrown Out. Searches Difficult in Nepal

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Shock in France, Anti-Terrorism Soldier Stabbed in Paris

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Missiles on Europe, Kremlin propaganda on Russian TV: "Three attacks are enough and this civilization will collapse". And shows the geographical map of the targets

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US Ally Releases Update on Russia and China Air Threat

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China reels from banking crisis

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Radical Islam and Fundamentalist Christianity Pose a Threat to Judaism

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China and Russia joined forces despite US warning, military exercises began after NATO meeting; This is the strategy of both

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China urges Philippines to immediately withdraw vessels illegally deployed in Xianbin Jiao

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Joint Armenia-US military exercise "Eagle Partner 2024" held in Armenia

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European Union sanctions Israeli far-right leaders, extremist settler groups and outposts

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French auditor raises alarm over public finances: Eurozone's second-largest economy 'dangerously exposed' to new crisis after failing to control deficit and debt

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Weather. Hot summers, here's why the Azores anticyclone disappeared

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Car bomb kills Somalis watching Euro 2017 final

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Bird Flu Infections Spread Across U.S. Dairy Farms; Americans' Stubbornness May Be the Cause of Outbreak

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This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 4 What-in-the-world-is-going-on

The original post was here:

Messaggi : 1433
Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
Località : 43.914150, 12.917861

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This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 4 Empty Re: This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Mer Lug 17, 2024 11:36 am

The Houthis have just hit an oil tanker in the Red Sea, which may sink, with all the damage that this entails. The president of Ukraine seems to want a peace conference with Russia. Will this mean that the nightmare is about to end? Or, as happened with Covid, once one problem is over, another much more serious one will appear?

The situation on the Lebanese border remains very tense. The Shiite militia launches dozens of rockets and the Israeli army attacks Hezbollah positions

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Tanker assesses possible oil spill in Red Sea after being hit by Houthi attack

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Zelenskyy awaits Russia at second peace summit: Faint hope for end to war in Ukraine

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Five security police officers shot and killed a man, who was reportedly carrying knives in both hands, near the U.S. Republican National Convention venue

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Southern Europe has been hit by a massive heatwave for days. Greece is currently particularly affected. Temperatures are above 30 degrees at night. During the day, temperatures are now expected to rise well above 40 degrees.

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Russian Naval Group's Withdrawal from Baltic Sea Surprises Experts

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‘Playing with fire’: Putin confidant doubles down on nuclear threats against NATO states

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The American newspaper New York Post has published a map showing the location of 19 military bases in the United States where Chinese companies and individuals own farms nearby

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Climate change is making the days longer

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Israeli forces attack schools in southern and central Gaza, killing 57

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China, Russia begin live-fire naval drills in South China Sea

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Tensions rise as ‘monster’ emerges, a new source of tension between China and the Philippines

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We asked people what they would do for the island nation of Tuvalu, whose capital is half-submerged due to global warming.

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Israeli settlers steal water sources, attempt to drive out Palestinian residents. 16 villages disappear in West Bank

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The East Coast of the United States is also experiencing extreme heat, with temperatures
soaring to 36 degrees Celsius in New York

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A North Korean diplomat stationed in Cuba has fled to South Korea. In his first open interview, he offers insights into dictator Kim Jong-un's isolated empire

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Russia shows first-ever footage of three-ton glide bomb

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North Korea warns South Korea over distribution of anti-regime leaflets: 'it faces catastrophic consequences'

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The mercury was recorded at 62.22 degrees Celsius at 3:00 PM on July 16 in Dubai. This deadly heat was recorded at Dubai International Airport. However, in the evening, the mercury dropped to 53.9 degrees Celsius. But so much mercury can kill anyone

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Britain bolsters military to counter 'dangerous quartet', including China

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Two Dead, Thousands Injured in Bangladesh Student Protest Crackdown

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Man (52) dies after being bitten by brown violin spider

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Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel Activists Say Jews Control Trump's Pick for Vice President Vance

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Father and Daughter Found Dead in Canyonlands National Park After Running Out of Water in 100-Degree Heat

This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 4 Canyonlands

PTI Ban: Why Pakistan Wants to Ban Imran Khan’s Party, What Will Happen to MPs Associated with PTI?

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Afghanistan: 35 dead, 230 injured in Afghanistan storm; 400 homes destroyed

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China has landed its special forces in the Gulf of Taiwan. It has fired from floating military vehicles in the bay. Fired shells. Detonated smoke bombs. China is conducting military exercises in the Gulf of Taiwan with tanks and amphibious assault vehicles at sea. It appears that preparations are underway to attack Taiwan

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A major security operation is underway at a site in north Dublin intended to house asylum seekers, following clashes between gardai and protesters. Hundreds of people gathered at the former Crown Paints factory in Coolock on Monday and gardai were attacked with rockets

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Shocking video shows the moment a huge explosion engulfs a Liberian-flagged oil tanker in the Red Sea after it was targeted by Houthi rebels

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Europe's 'hottest city' suffers heatwaves of 45°C and could turn into a desert. Temperatures have risen in recent years, causing unease among climate experts, who warn that Seville could slowly turn into a desert, earning it the nickname 'the Iberian oven'

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7 UK locations that could be Putin's first target if World War III breaks out

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These are the minimum temperatures, and maximum temperatures, recorded in the Italian city of Milan in the year 1978. Try changing the year, and see the temperatures of 1977, 1980, and then compare them with 2023 and 2024

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Etna continues to put on a show, Strombolian activity from the Voragine Crater

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Super volcano Campi Flegrei, the ground is still rising by 2 centimeters per month: data from the latest bulletin

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California's Long Valley Caldera volcano has been roiling with unprecedented activity, sending tremors through the region and raising fears of an impending eruption. Seismic sensors are on with warnings, and scientists are racing to assess the volcano's unprecedented behavior.

This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 4 CrssSecLVmap

Avian Flu Found on Oklahoma Dairy Farm, Pointing to Larger U.S. Outbreak

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I remember very well that in the summer, as a child, in the evenings you always had to walk around with a sweater on your shoulders, because the temperature became too low to walk around with a t-shirt, especially if you moved by bike or scooter. Now, here in Italy, temperatures are close to 30°C even in the middle of the night. And we reach, month after month, record after record. The oven has been turned off, and the temperature knob has been turned to maximum. We can only hope that things go the way I think they will, at least we would have a way out. But it is a door that we will not all be able to pass through (1)

1) From my Sacred Reference Text

This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 4 Dont-waste-your-time-concept-EJ8RKK

The original post was here:

Messaggi : 1433
Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
Località : 43.914150, 12.917861

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This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 4 Empty Re: This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Gio Lug 18, 2024 11:39 am

Donald Trump is making it clear that, if he is the next president of the United States, he has no intention of spending billions of dollars to defend Ukraine, or Taiwan. Will this be the green light for a war with Taipei, to settle scores between Moscow and Kiev, and for a war with the Philippines? And the super volcano of Campi Flegrei has just caused an earthquake, just 2 kilometers deep, while the ground is rising 2 centimeters a month.

China Suspends Nuclear Non-Proliferation Talks With US

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Donald Trump has expressed doubts that as US president he would defend Taiwan if China invaded the self-governing island that Beijing considers part of its territory. "Taiwan is 9,500 miles away," the former president told Bloomberg, "and 68 miles from China."

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North Korean leader Kim Jong Un continues to order his military to mine the demilitarized zone, despite injuries and deaths from accidental explosions, the South said on Wednesday.

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At least 60 Palestinian civilians were killed in several Israeli bombings, including one in an area designated as “safe”

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The number of ISIS attacks in Iraq and Syria is set to double this year compared to 2023, as the jihadist group attempts to "rebuild" its presence in the two countries

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Russian TV broadcasts map of possible nuclear strikes on NATO capitals

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The French military has denied "false information" from the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) that Paris is preparing a 2,000-man military contingent to deploy in Ukraine.

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Finland and Sweden, new NATO allies, scrambled fighter jets to intercept Russian planes over the Baltic Sea on Monday

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The German Defense Ministry has confirmed that it is drawing up contingency plans to move "hundreds of thousands" of NATO troops to its territory in the event of war with Russia.

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A Chinese aircraft carrier continues to operate off a strategic island chain in the Pacific Ocean as the United States sends another carrier to the region

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US Nuclear Submarine Surfacing in China's Backyard

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Philippines, China agree to establish new channel of dialogue to improve management of disputes in the South China Sea

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Democrat Schiff Calls on Biden to Resign

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Seoul City issued a heavy rain warning at 8:25 a.m. and a heavy rain warning at 8:45 a.m., and sent out an email warning that "Entry is prohibited due to the risk of landslides

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Kenyan police crack down on protesters as they return to the streets across the country

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UN Condemns North Korea for ‘Enslaving’ Its People

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One Dead, Nine Rescued Off Oman Coast After Oil Tanker Sinks

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Temperatures are well above average in parts of Europe: here's what the forecast says

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Knesset votes against creation of Palestinian state west of Jordan River

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Toronto faces disruptions due to flooding after heavy rains. Major highways and transportation hubs have been closed due to the deluge. Power outages have also been reported across the city

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Hezbollah leader threatens new attacks on Israeli cities as tensions rise

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Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Men Block Highway in Israel

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Earthquake at Campi Flegrei, the earth shakes again: new shock of magnitude 3.6, at a depth of two kilometers. The Invg instrumentation was activated at 8.08 this morning. The Vesuvius Observatory: "We have returned to the ground rising by 2 cm per month"

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Oropouche virus, four cases in Italy. What it is, what symptoms it manifests with and how it is transmitted. Endemic to South America, it has caused four cases in Italy: it is transmitted by the bites of a species of midges and other insects and there is no vaccine

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How Countries Are Preparing for a Potential Avian Flu Pandemic

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The original post was here:

Messaggi : 1433
Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
Località : 43.914150, 12.917861

Torna in alto Andare in basso

This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 4 Empty Re: This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Ven Lug 19, 2024 10:58 am

Bangladesh has been plunged into complete chaos, and the national television has just been set on fire. The streets of Kenya are also filled with riots and violent demonstrations, which show no signs of abating. A drone has managed to hit Tel Aviv, which is the heart of the State of Israel. "People against people and kingdom against kingdom", which means wars in various parts of the world, and civil wars, within the same nations. The South China Sea is filled to the brim with warships from China, Russia, the United States, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, and many others. And finally, there has just been a massive earthquake in northern Chile.

Bangladesh: Fires, beatings and 39 dead as violent student protests rock the nation
The nation has been “cut off from the world” amid deadly clashes between police and students. Warning: graphic images

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Earthquake of magnitude 7.4 in Chile, the earth shook in these countries including Argentina

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Drone attack in Tel Aviv, Israel: one dead, at least 10 injured. The Israeli military says it is investigating the attack and why the country's defenses failed to intercept the "aerial target"

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Venezuela arrests opposition leader's security chief just days before presidential election

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The South China Sea has become a battlefield, China and Russia have held fire drills, America has also shown strength

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81 Dead in 24 Hours as Israel Continues to Target UN School Shelters in Gaza

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Kenyan police have banned demonstrations in the heart of the capital Nairobi after weeks of anti-government protests

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Pakistan News: Jailed Imran Khan’s PTI Party to be Banned, What Happens to MPs?

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Yemen: 220km oil spill spotted in Red Sea after Houthi attack on oil tanker

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Melanesian nations call for UN mission to assess New Caledonia

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A French anti-terrorist soldier was stabbed in Paris ahead of the opening ceremony of next week's Olympics

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Tensions with China: Japan and Pacific Islands “firmly oppose changing the status quo by force”

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Trump Calls on China to Invade Taiwan If He Returns to Office

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Israel's security minister visited the courtyard of the Al-Aqsa mosque in a provocative move that could jeopardize ceasefire talks

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“Red alert” for heat in Eastern and Southern Europe

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A military officer from the Lebanese branch of the Muslim Brotherhood was killed on the morning of Thursday, July 18, by an Israeli drone strike in the eastern Bekaa plain.

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Russia-Ukraine War: Putin's final decision on July 25, preparations for nuclear strike on 16 countries? Russia-Ukraine War: Two years have passed since the Russia-Ukraine war, but both countries are not ready to retreat. Now NATO countries have surrounded Russia from all sides. In such a situation, the risk of nuclear war increases

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Monster Floods in the US and Canada: Images of Toronto Transformed into a Giant Lake

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In retaliation for Washington's arms sales to Taiwan, China is suspending bilateral discussions on arms control and nuclear nonproliferation

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Top Biden officials believe he should step down as he becomes increasingly isolated

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IDF investigates Tel Aviv blast as Houthi militants claim responsibility for 'military operation'

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An international team of researchers asked Iranian and American college students how often they watched negative news, how anxious they felt about their existence, whether they believed the world was a fair place, and what they thought about humanity.

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Italian Journalist Fined $8,000 for Making Fun of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni's Height

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China slams NATO as provocateur at UNSC; 'hope for peace in Ukraine crisis remains fragile'

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The Polish parliament has voted almost overwhelmingly in favor of a law that favors the use of firearms by border guards to repel migrants arriving in Poland.

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Iranian Armenian specialist Vardan Voskanyan welcomed the latest “extraordinary” statements of the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Armenia Mehdi Sobhani, who supported the right of Armenians to return safely to their homes in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)

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United States: In New York, Bronx residents suffer from the heat

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One dead in airstrike near US embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel, drone penetrates Israeli army security

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South Korea restarts propaganda broadcasts across border in response to North's launch of balloons

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Hezbollah threatened Israel with retaliation, Nasrallah warned of a serious attack, do you know what he said?

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Neo-Nazi Known as 'Commander Butcher' Accused of Trying to Poison Jewish Children in New York

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Effective Strategies to Eradicate West Nile Virus in Israel and Beyond. Mosquitoes infected with West Nile Virus have been captured along Israel's southern coast and as far as Eilat

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Spread of avian flu raises concerns about culling and disposal of chickens. Reports of farms dumping carcasses in landfills and methods of killing chickens put workers in close proximity to the virus

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Of course, dear @DrStrangelove, there have always been difficult periods in History. But here the misfortunes are really too many, and they show no signs of decreasing. Day after day, something else is added to the troubles that were already present. And I am doing all this work, in addition to informing and pointing out the resemblance to an ancient tale from two thousand years ago, above all to find someone who can help me get where, alone, I will never be able to reach.

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