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This is the Beginning of the End

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This is the Beginning of the End Empty This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Mer Lug 03, 2024 9:51 am

So, let's recap...

Since the bankruptcy of the Leman Brothers Investment Bank, the economy has entered a period of recession that has caused large sections of society to slide into semi-poverty. Or into real poverty. All manufacturing has moved from Western factories to those in the Far East, where a (slave) worker can cost (even) 15 times less than here. To counter this competition, the West has responded by pushing innovation and (above all) automation to the max.

This is the Beginning of the End RIA-blog-Industrial-Robot-Sales-Broke-Records-in-2018

Those with white hair will explain to you that, to make the same sweater, to make the same tile, to make any product, the same type of factory, now uses a worker who controls, let's say, 15 completely automated looms : before, instead, each loom had its own worker. The other 14 workers, by force of circumstances, have disappeared. And they will not return. This explains the (not negligible) economic growth, which is never accompanied by an equally large decrease in unemployment. A mechanism that I do not hesitate to call 'infernal and diabolical'.

This is the Beginning of the End Bambino-auto-2

The appeals that scientists, at least those not secretly funded and corrupted by the hydrocarbon industries, have tried to warn us since I was a child about the risks of climate change caused by the risk of millions of tons of CO2 in the atmosphere. And, like a child who accidentally gets locked in a car, under the sun, and with the windows closed, now the disaster has been made: we have closed the windows, bolted them, sealed them: even if we stopped heating our homes, if we stopped driving around in cars, if we all stopped breathing, there would be nothing left to do: as happens in that poor child's cars, the temperature of the passenger compartment (or of our atmosphere) will rise inexorably, year after year. Or rather, month after month. Making us end up like the turkey in the oven.

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The Mediterranean Sea is (from memory) one and a half degrees warmer than normal. The same thing happened in the oceans. This means that that enormous mass of water has accumulated an incredible amount of energy : like when you put a pot of cold water on your stove, for a rather long time the flame does not heat your kitchen: it does not do so until the water in the pot becomes hot but, when this has finished storing energy, your kitchen immediately heats up through the flame of the stove: well, we have passed this step: and we are noticing it from the temperatures of our cities that, literally, season after season, month after month, have gone crazy, and are inexorably beating the record set a few days before.

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I read somewhere that this enormous energy released by the oceans has ended up modifying the functioning of air currents in the Stratosphere , that is, at those heights where the winds blow (I'm going from memory...) at 300 or 400 kilometers per hour. It is this change that has caused the descent of a polar cyclone that has placed its coldest point above the state of Wyoming (USA) causing temperatures of -57 degrees centigrade , and hundreds of deaths from exposure. The same thing, in these hours, is happening in the valleys of Afghanistan. In other words, the North Pole, is no longer in its place, and its air masses oscillate, like an enormous crazy pendulum, each time hitting a (formerly) temperate zone. And this also has very serious long-term consequences: in those areas, all potatoes were grown, because no one expected such a joke: translated, if this pendulum swings many times, throughout the winter, it will end up burning (with its frosts) almost all of our crops. Crops, already very reduced, due to the drought. This drought too, an event never seen in the memory (of all) the men who have inhabited those places.

This is the Beginning of the End Siccit%C3%A0

Diseases have appeared, various forms of Avian Flu , Swine Flu , but I mean above all Covid , which has managed to attack us all at home, forcing the so-called Advanced Societies to behave, no more, no less, roughly with the same countermeasures as Florence in 1348 (at the time of the Black Death). Far from being defeated, Covid is still blocking giant China, which giant, given its enormous population, will almost certainly act as an incubator for new variants that will render the vaccines used so far ineffective. If you search on the internet, you will discover that new varieties of mosquitoes have appeared in Indonesia and Cambodia that are absolutely immune and unassailable by pesticides...

This is the Beginning of the End Addetti-della-campagna-antimalarica-con-bombole-di-ddt

... and there are some diseases (once only) tropical, like Dengue, and several others, for which no pharmaceutical company has produced vaccines, because they only affected poor countries, that is, people who would never have paid the costs of research and production of drugs. The larvae of these mosquitoes survive for months and months, and surely a couple of them will arrive (in container ships) in our ports. Ports that, now, have temperatures, if not exactly tropical, at least sufficient to carry those pathogens. Furthermore, some little animals called " Brain Eating Amoebas " are escaping, that is, little beings that live in certain waters, waters that, if you drink them, or if you swim through them...

This is the Beginning of the End L-ameba-mangia-cervello-espandendo-zone-uniti-v3-488187-1280x720

... they make you end up like a rotten apple, whose insides are eaten away by a worm. If Covid, up to now, has somehow strangled you, this other disease is objectively a thousand times more atrocious.

This is the Beginning of the End Nuclear-weapons-usa

The purgatory of Covid had not yet ended, that we woke up in the nightmare of the thermonuclear conflict , with Russia on one side, and the West on the other. The problem is not limited to there, if we look more closely, Russia has in fact allied itself with China (they have held military exercises together several times, they have sent a squadron of atomic bombers to circle Japan, while the President of the USA is on a state visit, and much, much more...) and to China and Russia, North Korea, religious Iran, which is now able to manufacture advanced weapons, so much so that it supplies them to the Russians, Maduro's Venezuela and others, have in fact joined.

This is the Beginning of the End Miniere-di-coltan-congo

China, in some places supported by Russia, is making its way into the chain of supply of raw materials that, up to now, have always been the predominance of the West: I mean the conflicts in North Africa , to secure the mines of uranium, zinc, cobalt, the same thing is happening with the assistance of China and Russia to Maduro's Venezuela, to Cuba itself, that is to say putting a finger in the eye in the so-called ' Backyard ' of the United States, the entire American continent, North, Central and South where, no one knows by what divine right, the USA has always demanded that no one stick their beak in. The conflicts of these days can also be understood in the light of these moves.

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China has decided, and it is now evident from its behavior, that it is time to close the game left pending at the end of the Long March, when Chiang Kai-shek's pro-capitalist troops, now defeated, all took refuge on the island of Taiwan and, thanks to the intervention of the US Navy, they were not all massacred. The matter has essentially remained frozen since then. One can think what one wants, but imagine if, in the mid-nineteenth century, General Lee's defeated Southern troops had all retreated, let's say, all to Florida and the Chinese People's Army had intervened, catapulting millions of Chinese soldiers to Miami, getting in the way, preventing Lincoln's troops from settling the matter with his adversaries. The Chinese's anger can only be understood by putting oneself in their shoes, for example, by making the (only apparently) absurd example I gave above. A hundred Chinese fighter-bombers heading, one week yes, and the next too, straight, straight, toward Taiwan, and then turning at the last minute, before entering Taiwan's territorial waters, is a behavior that, in the long run, or rather, in the short run, will cause trouble. Trouble that is desired and studied at the table.

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So many volcanoes in the Ring of Fire , I mean that imaginary circle that starts from New Zealand and, through the islands of Oceania, the Philippines, Japan, Russian Kamtchatka, Alaska, California, Mexico and Central America, and then all the way to the coast of South America, all together make up the edges of the largest (and potentially destructive) tectonic plate on Earth. Well, there is an unusual awakening of so many volcanoes: the explosion of the Tonga volcano, a few months ago, if it had not occurred in the depths of the Pacific Ocean, but on land, would have released so much dust and debris into the atmosphere, to cause a drop in temperatures, and famines, much worse than those that occurred (for a similar event) in Europe and North America in the mid-nineteenth century...

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... there are three re-active volcanoes in Kamchatka (one of which is gigantic), a couple in the Philippines, we have already talked about the underwater volcano of Tonga, and there, in addition, a small island has just emerged from the ocean out of nowhere (an island with the habit of smoking...) ...

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... I know that the subsoil (and I think also the volcanoes) of Alaska are in turmoil, a couple of volcanoes in Central America have rekindled, and three others (I'm going from memory) have started up again along the Andes mountain range). In the area of ​​Peru and Chile there are continuous earthquakes. Much more frequent than usual.

The Earth's Magnetosphere , or the enormous magnetic field caused by the movement (convective motion) of lava in the bowels of our Planet is changing. And this change has (potentially) lethal consequences: the Magnetic North Pole , that point to which all our compasses point, is moving: it has never been still, it has always moved a few kilometers...

This is the Beginning of the End Spostamento-polo-nord-magnetico

... but now it is moving (I'm going from memory...) 60/70 kilometers every year. Maybe you know that there are animals that manage to lay their eggs, even many years apart, on the same beach, or in the same stream, where they were born, after having lived their entire lives miles of kilometers away. Mind you: the same beach , not the same archipelago. Scientists have finally understood the mechanism behind it: in the eyes of these animals there are substances that are sensitive to magnetism, and it acts as a compass: in other words, the Eternal Father has placed a very sensitive and very effective GPS system even in the last of our turtles, and in the last of our salmon. That's it. Period. Now, with the moving of the North Magnetic Pole, more and more species end up making mistakes in their migratory path...

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... for example, on two occasions, 450 Pilot Whales beached, and died, in Tasmania, and in the area near Australia. I have read about the same phenomenon also for other animal species. And this phenomenon does not have implications only for these poor beasts but, in perspective, a very bad perspective, it can erase any form of life on earth, because the functioning (and effectiveness) of the Van Hallen Belts, and the so-called Magnetosphere, also depends on the position of the North Magnetic Pole...

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... or that sort of magnetic ' shield ', produced by the movement of incandescent material inside the Earth, which protects us from the particles emitted by the Solar Wind: if this shield did not exist, there would probably be no Earth's atmosphere, at least not as we know it, and all the waterways would dry up . It so happens that, as you can see from the images, this magnetosphere is stronger at the equator, and less thick (and resistant) at the Poles: this is why, near the North Pole and near the South Pole, sometimes, these particles manage to hit us 'grazing', causing the famous ...

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... aurora borealis . Which are beautiful, but if this saving North Magnetic Pole were to end up placing itself, say, on the Equator, then we would be hit by the Solar Wind with a shield that is no longer made of steel, but of paper .

Well, maybe I forgot something. But I think that's enough for now. I know that these speeches are very unpleasant, and very frightening. But I, in my heart, feel the duty to make them to you. And to those who want to reproach me for my behavior, as if I were some kind of possessed monk from the year 1000, who raves about the End of the World, I remind them of the words of the devil, in the book "The Master and Margarita" , when the devil himself, with his helpers, was wandering around a park in Moscow, and two professors from the Institute of Atheism were arguing among themselves about the NON-existence of God. The devil himself, at a certain point, objected to them that...

"These are facts. And in this world there is nothing more stubborn than a fact."

That's all.

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Messaggi : 1421
Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
Località : 43.914150, 12.917861

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This is the Beginning of the End Empty Re: This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Mer Lug 03, 2024 11:52 am

After the attack on the Philippine ship, now China has seized a Taiwanese fishing boat. Many, dear @Виннипух, fear that China is testing the real will of the United States to go to war, to defend its partners in the China Sea. And how will the US behave? Will they let it happen, provocation after provocation, demonstrating that it was just a bluff, or will they send in their aircraft carrier? And this Russian warplane that entered Lithuanian territory? And then hatred, wars, upheavals, chaos everywhere. I have already told you many times, dear @Nordistico, from that list of two thousand years ago, here the only things missing are volcanoes and earthquakes, and meteorites that are starting to fall on our heads. The super volcano of Campi Flegrei, and a good part of the island of Iceland have become very restless, and very dangerous. If, in a short time, they are joined by the volcanoes of Indonesia, and many other parts of the world, this too would be one of the last missing numbers that come out in our reverse slot machine.

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Chinese officials seized a Taiwanese fishing boat near the Kinmen Islands. The incident further fuels tensions between the two countries

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Lithuania reports airspace violation by Russian plane

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Why Hurricane Beryl is a Bad Omen. Several Dead from Hurricane “Beryl” – The Cyclone is Approaching Jamaica

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Hatred towards Syrian refugees in Türkiye

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State of emergency in Kos, Greece. Holidaymakers spend the night on a football pitch due to forest fires

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The atmosphere in Estonia is tense. After the Russian attack on Ukraine, the situation in the Baltic country is tense. The threat of escalation is especially evident in the small town of Võru, near the Russian border.

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Crazy: In June, 5 billion people were affected by extreme heat

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French Muslims fear for their future as Le Pen's far-right party surges. Tensions rise in France, home to one of Europe's largest Muslim minorities

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The revelation of the weekly Jeune Afrique: "Bardella's Italian paternal grandfather lives in Morocco and converted to Islam"

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Hezbollah: "Stop clashes in case of truce in Gaza". But Tel Aviv is preparing for invasion

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Arctic forest fires in Russia's far north are releasing megatons of carbon

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Kremlin Friends Summit: Putin Meets Xi, Erdogan in Astana

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Right-wing government sworn in in the Netherlands: PM plans ‘toughest’ asylum policy

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Rabbi Sounds Alarm: Jews Should Leave France

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Lukashenko reinforces troops. Belarus positions several rocket launchers on the border with Ukraine

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Trump Advisor Bannon Reports to Prison to Serve Sentence

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South Korea, new military exercises on the border (after six years): Seoul suspends the agreement with the North, what happens now

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Russian Kilo Submarines (Armed with Kalibr Missiles) in the Irish Sea: Moscow's Threat to Britain

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New earthquake of magnitude 3.2 at Campi Flegrei in Naples and fear returns among citizens

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Campi Flegrei Bulletin, 69 Earthquakes in a Week and Ground Raised by 10.5 cm Since January

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Dengue: UK tourists warned after disease that kills 'one in five' returns to Britain

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A piece of information for the friends who are reading us in English, Russian, Arabic and Chinese: I found a solution, I opened a version of that discussion, for each language, in the websites below:

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This is the Beginning of the End (Russian Version)

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This is the Beginning of the End (Chinese Version)

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The original post was here:

Messaggi : 1421
Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
Località : 43.914150, 12.917861

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This is the Beginning of the End Empty Re: This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Gio Lug 04, 2024 1:32 pm

This Hurricane Beryl appeared suddenly, well ahead of the usual hurricane season, and in just a few hours it has acquired an unprecedented destructive power. It is truly a bad omen, dear @أحمد عبد المنعم, and I am afraid that no one will connect this fact with a list, a list that is contained in an ancient tale from two thousand years ago. Or they will, but they will only do it when the volcanoes and earthquakes, dear @心怀感恩, begin to shake the earth beneath their feet. That is, when everyone has understood everything. That is, when it will be too late.

'It's hard to convey how incredible this is': Hurricane Beryl is the earliest Category 5 storm on record

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Texas Included in Hurricane Beryl's Forecast Cone as Monster Storm Blasts Caribbean

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Israel Kills Senior Hezbollah Commander, Responds with Rocket Fire

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Far-right candidates from the Rassemblement National, including one wearing a Nazi cap, have come under scrutiny in the French election

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Putin, Xi Meet to Strengthen Alliance Against West Ahead of NATO Summit

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Israeli land grabs in West Bank for settlers peak, watchdog says

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Taiwan says China's seizure of fishing vessel may be an act of psychological warfare

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Could a war between Hezbollah and Israel spark a civil war in Lebanon?

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Yemen's Houthis say they are attacking Israeli, US and British vessels in 4 bodies of water

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Nearly 200 Jewish Gravestones Vandalized in Ohio

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Life and Death in Gaza's 'Safe Zone', Where Food Is Scarce and Israel Strikes Without Warning

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"The Supreme Court has given Trump a free hand"

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Bad crisis that caused 1300 deaths while temperatures reached 50 °C

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China Delivers Luxurious New Presidential Palace to Vanuatu Ahead of PM's Visit to Beijing

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Kenyan police say more than 270 people were arrested for criminal acts during protests on Tuesday

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Russia, China and North Korea in the crosshairs of US air power plan

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Iceland: Updated Risk Assessment: Another Eruption Likely in the Coming Weeks

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After contact with an infected cow. US reports fourth case of avian flu in humans

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Can we keep avian influenza out of our dairy herds? Is there a danger to us humans? What is the prognosis?

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You have to be careful about what happens in that very long red line. And in all the other points where the Earth's tectonic plates slide against each other. If the chaos, dear @Nordistico, from politics, to climate, to epidemics, also spreads underground, then it means that what you have read up to now, were not just the ravings of a middle-aged gentleman. But it will also be too late to repent (1)

This is the Beginning of the End Ringoffirecolor

1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

This is the Beginning of the End Whats-really-going-on-2017

The original post was here:

Messaggi : 1421
Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
Località : 43.914150, 12.917861

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This is the Beginning of the End Empty Re: This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Ven Lug 05, 2024 10:23 am

At this very moment, dear @TreeBeard, here in Italy we have three volcanoes that are very active. Etna, in Sicily, Stromboli, on an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, and finally the super volcano of Campi Flegrei, which is inflating the ground like a balloon, and is the most dangerous in the world, because it has on it, and all around it, about two and a half million people. It is this new clue that we must keep under control, dear @Kotzfisch, that is, what happens to volcanoes and earthquakes around the world, that is, the missing piece of the puzzle.

Etna eruption in this summer period: the Sicilian volcano offers a breathtaking spectacle

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Stromboli, red alert for the volcano. Eruption and ash cloud 2 kilometers high

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Pozzuoli. Super volcano Campi Flegrei, other tremors «Epicenter close to the houses so the earthquake is felt more»

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Philippines on alert as Mount Kanlaon enters ‘explosive’ eruption, residents evacuated

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Indonesian Volcano Lewotobi Laki-Laki Erupts Twice in One Day

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Death Toll Rises as Hurricane BERYL Hits Jamaica

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Philippine military chief warns his forces will fight if attacked again in disputed sea

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Belarus is the newest member of the SCO group – Xi speaks of a real threat from the Cold War mentality

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Hezbollah Attacks Israel With Hundreds of Rockets and Drones

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Despite International Criticism: Israel Approves Over 5,000 Housing Units in West Bank

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West Bank, Israeli settlers attack village of Masafer Yatta: homes and crops burned, stones thrown at Palestinian cars

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Le Pen at the Gates, Violence and Racism Explode

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California wildfires ravage, thousands forced to evacuate

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Weather: Hurricane Beryl lashes Caribbean, now heading for Mexico with destructive winds; updates

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"Get Out of Canada," read a Montreal poster featuring a Nazi flag and a modified Israeli flag with a swastika in place of the Star of David.

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Nigel Farage Failed Seven Times. Now “Politicians Called ‘Brexit’ Have Entered the House of Commons. The Model to Follow is Donald Trump

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“Time is running against Russia”

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US President Biden reportedly wants to limit evening appointments due to fatigue

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After just under two weeks, the Swiss state road 13, which had been severely damaged by bad weather, has been reopened to traffic

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How France Fell to the Far Right. In the End, Le Pen Didn't Have to Moderate to Win Power

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Ukraine, Himars and Hawks are coming: they are in the 7th US package of 150 million dollars

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Territorial disputes: Chinese aircraft carrier CNS Shandong sailed near Philippines

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The first case of West Nile Virus in Italy is from Medolla. The patient is 77 years old and is hospitalized in Carpi. The Region and the Local Health Authority recommend protecting yourself from bites

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Messaggi : 1421
Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
Località : 43.914150, 12.917861

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This is the Beginning of the End Empty Re: This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Dom Lug 07, 2024 10:22 am

Russian nuclear submarines are suddenly appearing in various parts of the world, to underline that, in the event of war, the enormous thermonuclear arsenal of the Soviet Union is still intact and ready to go into operation. In the meantime, dear @عبير جنوحات, the USA is putting many of the air bases on the islands of the Pacific Ocean back into operation, the ones they used to bomb Japan during the Second World War. And the most worrying news of all is that these Chinese soldiers have landed directly in Belarus. This means that the economic duties on imports of Chinese goods have had the effect I feared: they have removed all brakes on China, which now has nothing left to lose, from an economic point of view, and has fully entered the Anti-NATO Alliance, composed of Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, many of the African states of the Sahel, and many others. And then it is very, very hot, dear @TreeBeard. The oceans have stored enormous amounts of energy and now, in my opinion, they will start throwing hurricanes at us, almost every day, like those machines that throw tennis balls.

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Guests shocked! A Russian submarine suddenly appears next to the cruise ship

This is the Beginning of the End 35014084-das-russische-angriffs-boot-projekt-636-ist-nahe-der-deutschen-grenze-in-der-ostsee-aufgetaucht-bilder-zeigen-es-an-der-oberflaeche-Ofe

Marines Reactivate WWII Airfield in Pacific

This is the Beginning of the End KC-130J-US-Marine-Corps-landet-auf-Flugfeld-von-Peleliu-article169Gallery-129b4873-2121185

Putin: There are bad suspicions: is he planning an “anti-NATO”?

This is the Beginning of the End Putin-nato-ukraine-korea-1

New California fires: Record heat in Palm Springs. According to the San Diego Weather Service, in Palm Springs, about 150 kilometers east of Los Angeles, 124 degrees Fahrenheit (51.11 degrees Celsius) were measured. This beat the previous local record of 123 degrees set in 2021, 1995 and 1993.

This is the Beginning of the End 1f5fbd5c-6b50-4181-8cfd-daaaa910795a_w960_r1.778_fpx37.32_fpy50

Israeli attack kills 16 at Gaza school, army says it targeted gunmen

This is the Beginning of the End 4f98762a851c8e36b0c6b9fab0465b4f58cf5b08

France's political rivals are uniting to prevent the far right from winning parliamentary elections. Will it work?

This is the Beginning of the End 7d8c8fd7b399e106eae4fc147dac3b22?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=1787&cropW=3177&xPos=0&yPos=0&width=862&height=485

Drone footage shows Europe's most active volcano, Mount Etna, roaring with lava

This is the Beginning of the End Vulcano-etna

Italian authorities launch alert Volcanic alert Stromboli

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Campi Flegrei, the 3D simulation of a volcanic eruption: "We are ready to face an emergency of this kind". VIDEO

This is the Beginning of the End Maxresdefault

China Still a 'Monster Ship' in Philippine Waters of the South China Sea

This is the Beginning of the End 8c521b7efeffbe71179e197775d70874dbd73196

Chinese soldiers landed in Belarus for military exercises. According to official information, Chinese soldiers have now arrived in Belarus for a joint anti-terrorism exercise

This is the Beginning of the End Soldati-cinesi-2-1478843

Texas is bracing for the storm. Storm "Beryl" is slowly advancing on Texas

This is the Beginning of the End

After an earlier era of flying "sausages" and "jellyfish," balloon warfare is experiencing a renaissance

This is the Beginning of the End E5c0406a754e4df5e18eb06eafb74993?impolicy=wcms_crop_resize&cropH=1633&cropW=2450&xPos=69&yPos=0&width=862&height=575

Biden Says Debate Was a Bad Night. Here's How Doctors Would Assess If It Was Something More

This is the Beginning of the End

Orban meets Putin on 'peace mission', angering EU and worrying Ukraine

This is the Beginning of the End 07bb3be0eeeef2c72232d19c48e91c6c7aade2ef

Drone strikes in Russia: Ukraine is apparently attacking again

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This is the Beginning of the End Der-wahlsieger-massud.jpg

Le Pen promises: Ukraine should no longer be allowed to use French weapons against targets in Russia

This is the Beginning of the End 34961517-marine-le-pen-O3BG

Bundeswehr Gives Up Base in Niger

This is the Beginning of the End Bundeswher-esercito-tedesco-1098572

“Please Relax.” The 89-Year-Old Dalai Lama Reassures His Followers

This is the Beginning of the End 469401637

Calls for violence, BDS and Hamas ties: New UK MPs take hardline anti-Israel stance

This is the Beginning of the End 606640

NYPD reports 45 anti-Semitic incidents last month, 57% of all hate crimes in city

This is the Beginning of the End 481660

Niger's military leader, speaking alongside junta leaders from Mali and Burkina Faso, said they were "irrevocably" turning their backs on the wider West African blockade

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IDF kills key Hezbollah air defense member in strike deep inside Lebanon

This is the Beginning of the End GR0aNCtX0AAA16w-640x400

Israel is moving towards a wider war and a merciless fight against an enemy ready to bomb it like no other enemy has ever done.

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Weekly report on volcanic activity in the world

This is the Beginning of the End WeeklyVolcanoMap

Are domestic dogs and cats the weak link in avian influenza surveillance?

This is the Beginning of the End 2787896
Unfortunately, with the sudden and prolonged shutdown of the Russian American friends’ websites, which hosted the English, Russian, Arabic, and Chinese versions of this daily sermon of mine, I see that far fewer are still reading in those languages ​​every day. I have no idea who you are, but you need to spread the word where I have moved those discussions. According to the Carpenter’s Son’s promise, this carnage will only end on the day that the Gospel message is delivered to every man on this Earth. So, do the same job I have. Try to spread the word.

This is the Beginning of the End Carta%2Bfisica%2Bdel%2BMondo

This is the Beginning of the End (English Version)

This is the Beginning of the End (Russian Version)

This is the Beginning of the End (Arabic Version)

This is the Beginning of the End (Chinese Version)

This is the Beginning of the End Are-you-ready-sign

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Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
Località : 43.914150, 12.917861

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