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This is the Beginning of the End

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This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 3 Empty Re: This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Ven Lug 12, 2024 10:37 am

There was just a strong earthquake in the Philippines, and a few hours ago, there were three, in quick succession, in front of the city of Vancouver. The volcano Stromboli, dear @老妖怪, just made a huge bang, which forced all the inhabitants of the island to flee. The volcano Etna is still very active, and the super volcano Campi Flegrei just burped, powerful enough to cause an earthquake, and a collapse of one of its craters on the surface. The Chinese paratroopers were moved to Brest, 5 kilometers from Poland. And then there is this disturbing fact again, dear @Majora, 77 pilot whales that beached, and died, on the beaches of Scotland. Their GPS, which they use to navigate the world, is our North Magnetic Pole, which is rapidly changing. And, with it, our Magnetosphere shield is also changing. And this is not exactly good news. "The powers of the heavens will be shaken". Always keep this phrase in mind.

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Campi Flegrei Earthquake, Fear Among Swimmers: A Ridge of Monte di Procida Falls. Video

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Stromboli, new strong explosion in the volcano: the video of the ash cloud is impressive

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The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology has revised the magnitude of the offshore earthquake that shook Sultan Kudarat province in the southern Philippines on Thursday morning (July 11) from 6.5 to 7.1.

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Dozens of pilot whales stranded on Scottish island. Tresness Beach on Sanday Island is considered a tourist attraction in Scotland and a favorite among locals. Now a sad discovery is causing a stir

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The date and place are no coincidence. China is conducting maneuvers with Belarus on the border with Poland

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WHO concerned about new Mpox variant. A new variant of the Mpox virus is circulating in the Democratic Republic of Congo and could reach Europe

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NATO Secretary General Agrees: 'Today's Ukraine Could Be Tomorrow's East Asia' Strengthening Cooperation With Japan With China, North Korea in Mind

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Russia was targeting German defense giant Rheinmetall (RHMG.DE). They announced that they had confirmed a plot to assassinate CEO Armin Pappelger

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France, Germany, Italy and Poland signed a letter of intent on Wednesday to jointly develop a long-range cruise missile

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North Korea Sends Military Personnel to Russia for Training: 'Russia-North Korea Alliance' on the Move

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Taiwan detects 66 Chinese military aircraft around the island

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Truce Negotiations, Cross-Accusations Between Israel and Hamas

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Beijing's Atlantic Wrath: "Don't Bring Chaos to Asia"

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Scholz Fears Escalation. Zelensky Wants Free Responsibility in Using Weapons in Russia

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China Coast Guard's 'monster ship' surveys South China Sea, inside Philippine EEZ

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NATO Summit: Biden to Zelensky: “And Now I Welcome President Putin”

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China has more than 500 operational nuclear warheads, a situation similar to that of Ukraine could arise in East Asia. Defense White Paper

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Will the reintroduction of compulsory military service in Germany become a reality?

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Weather Alert, two very violent Cyclones in Europe: destructive bad weather for 4 days, alarm also in Italy

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Poland Announces: We Will Shoot Down Russian Missiles. And If the Russians Respond, What Will NATO Do?

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Tensions between China and NATO, Beijing's accusations: "Fuel added to the fire of the Ukrainian crisis and encouraged war"

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US Missiles in Germany. Moscow: 'The Cold War Returns'

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War, Saudi Arabia is with Putin. Stop buying EU government bonds. Bin Salman's pro-Russia move, after Europe's decision to seize Moscow's 300 billion reserves and give that money to Ukraine

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NATO Signs $700 Million Contract to Produce Stinger Missiles

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Thus begins the American Civil War. Extremists across the United States are preparing for what they call the "boogaloo": a mass insurrection to overthrow the United States government.

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US steps up sanctions against Israeli settlers and ‘outposts’ in occupied West Bank. Targeting ‘outposts’ suggests Biden administration is ready to take some action to counter blatant land grabs

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First F-16 Jets Head to Ukraine After Months of Training and Negotiations

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How China and Russia Could Thwart the Internet: Undersea Cables That Connect the World Are Becoming Military Targets

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In the northern Israeli city of Kiryat Shmona, most residents have fled as fear of war with Hezbollah takes hold.

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Japan: Hospitals strain during unusually early heatwave as medical officials compare public health risk to 'natural disaster'

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US Targets 3 Xinjiang Sectors to 'Strangle China in Global Supply Chain'

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At least three earthquakes shook the ocean floor off Vancouver Island on Thursday

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Watch Hurricane Beryl's 6,000-mile path of destruction from Africa to Vermont

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La Niña, a periodic cooling of the eastern Pacific, reduces the wind shear that splits storms apart in the tropical Atlantic, which can increase overall hurricane activity. It is a major factor in the forecast for a potentially hyperactive hurricane season.

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Survey: 96% of Jews in 13 EU countries say they experience anti-Semitism in everyday life

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"It's hell outside": Scorching heatwave in parts of southern and central Europe triggers alert

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Bird Flu Could Become a Human Pandemic. How Are Countries Preparing?

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I am not you, dear @WalterA, what are you going to do. In the meantime, I am translating my guide again, in different languages, to alert as many people as possible. Or, at least, to point out the extraordinary resemblance between the daily news of these days, and that ancient story from two thousand years ago. I had invested a lot of money in stamps, a few months ago, to send those paper letters, to be delivered to engineers in Indonesia, Pakistan, Syria, North Korea, Laos, and about thirty other places in the world where the internet is censored. I chose them, among many, just by looking at their photo, when it was on their company's website, because they inspired trust in me. If you are among those who are still reading, dear engineer, at least help me. And help yourself.  

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Messaggi : 1433
Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
Località : 43.914150, 12.917861

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This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 3 Empty Re: This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Ven Lug 12, 2024 4:26 pm

@dany26 à ecrit:
Pour  info:Paradoxe d’Epicure  sur le mal et dieu

"Ou bien Dieu veut éliminer le mal et ne le peut ; ou il le peut et ne le veut pas , ou il ne le veut ni ne le peut , ou il le veut et le peut. S'il le veut et ne le peut , il est impuissant , ce qui ne convient pas à Dieu ; s'il le peut et ne le veut , il est méchant , ce qui est étranger à Dieu. S'il ne le peut ni ne le veut , il est à la fois impuissant et méchant, il n'est donc pas Dieu. S'il le veut et le peut , ce qui convient seul à Dieu , d'ôu vient donc le mal , ou pourquoi Dieu ne le supprime-t-il pas ? "

donc   même en changeant de  nom à la place de dieu ; les dieux, etc etc cela ne change   rien au problème de fond, la notion de mal   détruit   logiquement   toutes   notions  de  divinités , qui seraient   à 'l'origine de  tout !!!
D'où  l'argument des fameux sataniques , le mal serait  plus fort que dieu

----------- translation -----------------------
@Dany26 wrote:
For information: Epicurus' paradox on evil and God

"Either God wants to eliminate evil and cannot; or he can and does not want to, or he does not want to and cannot, or he wants to and can. If he wants to and cannot do it, he is impotent, which is not appropriate for God; if he can and does not want to, he is evil, which is alien to God. If he cannot and does not want to do it, he is impotent and evil, and therefore he is not God. If he wants to and can, which is the only thing appropriate for God, where does evil come from or why does God not suppress it?"

so even changing the name instead of god; the gods, etc. etc. this does not change the basic problem, the notion of evil logically destroys every notion of divinity, which would be at the origin of everything!!!
Hence the argument of the famous Satanists, evil is stronger than God

You are not the first to ask this question. Everything in its own time, dear @Dany26. You have to wait. If, as I hope, all the volcanoes and earthquakes will ignite, then we are now certain that we will have to wait a short time. Very little. Yes, we must hope that things will go this way, because, given the situation we are in, if I am right, at least we would have a way out, from wars, revolutions, hurricanes, droughts, heat, day after day more and more infernal, and from plagues. However, to answer your question, you told me that you have studied the Holy Scriptures in depth. Well, have you not come across this passage? (1)

This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 3 Planning-vs-Scheduling

1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

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Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
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Messaggio Da Holubice Sab Lug 13, 2024 4:45 pm

"The Lord will make the desert bloom." This phrase is in a song that old ladies often sing in the little church where I go. Now, there are only old ladies in there. This verse came to mind, dear @VladimirDeVolog, while I was reading this news about this desert, among the driest in the world, which has suddenly become covered with flowers.

A magnitude 6.7 earthquake occurred in the Philippines. There was no damage, so no one paid attention. But in the last three days, two earthquakes occurred that deep. The depth of the earthquakes suggests that something dangerous is happening underground.

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Chinese Warships: 4 Chinese Warships Deployed in Areas Adjacent to America, Preparations for War Are Underway, Maximum Alert Has Been Issued

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Horrific Israeli Airstrike in Lebanon, 1 Dead, 2 Injured

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Russia-China have united in fear of NATO, have started maneuvers to respond, tension will increase

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More than 71 killed in Khan Yunis airstrike in southern Gaza... Israeli army announces control of Hamas base

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To keep the Philippines in check after a series of collisions. China's Ministry of Defense reveals that it will send the aircraft carrier fleet "Shandong" to the waters near the Philippines to conduct combat training

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US to deploy long-range missiles in Germany, Tomahawk, etc. from 2026

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China, Russia Express 'Strong Sense of Crisis' Over NATO Approach, Indo-Pacific Region

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Heavy Rain in South Korea for the First Time in 200 Years... Ominous Warning That 'It Will Come Every Year'

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No Power, Extreme Heat: How Things Spinned Out of Control in Texas. Nearly 1 million residents were still without power in Texas five days after Hurricane Beryl made landfall.

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At least 60 people missing in landslide tragedy that swept away buses. A landslide in Nepal has swept two passenger buses off a highway into a nearby river

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Finland passes law to prevent asylum seekers from crossing border from Russia

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Las Vegas records 7 consecutive days of scorching temperatures of 115 degrees or higher, an all-time record

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China angered by NATO accusation that it was a 'decisive enabler' of Russia's war in Ukraine

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"It's hell outside": Scorching heatwave in parts of southern and central Europe triggers alert

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New satellite photos have highlighted how China is working to dramatically expand its fleet of deadly submarines

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Europeans are experiencing a surge in anti-Semitism, survey finds

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Russia Says US Missiles in Germany Signal Return of Cold War

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Allies unite to show their strength against China that threatens to rattle its blades

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There is a sense of dread lurking in my every day. Wars, famines, cost-of-living crises, governments turning their backs on inhumane policies for the most vulnerable asylum seekers, the rise of the far right in Europe, the climate crisis. I know it's not the first time in human history that it feels like everything is falling apart, but that knowledge doesn't necessarily bring me peace.

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Meta Ends Special Conditions Imposed on Donald Trump on Facebook and Instagram

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Two months of unrest: New Caledonia on the brink of economic collapse

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This is Beijing's birthday present for NATO's 75th anniversary. Starting Monday, the Chinese military is taking part in 11-day joint military exercises with Belarusian forces in Brest, just five kilometers from the Polish border.

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Stromboli is on fire and Etna is getting ready: two giants are unleashed in Sicily!

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Chile: Thousands of flowers grew in the Atacama Desert, the driest in the world

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Nearly 200 New York and New Jersey residents diagnosed with dengue fever amid rising cases

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Colorado reports three presumptive human bird flu cases, CDC says

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The original post was here:

Messaggi : 1433
Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
Località : 43.914150, 12.917861

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This is the Beginning of the End - Pagina 3 Empty Re: This is the Beginning of the End

Messaggio Da Holubice Dom Lug 14, 2024 9:08 am

They just tried to kill Donald Trump. They shot him in the ear, if the bullet had passed a centimeter closer, he would be dead now. What will happen now? Will the presidential candidates tone it down, or will this be the prelude to a real new American Civil War? I just created a new version of this daily sermon also in Japanese. And I am recreating the famous flyer, the one with the barcodes, with the internet addresses that have replaced the Russian website, to be able to distribute it within the countries that have dictatorships. Here the situation is becoming more and more chaotic, everything must be ready. And the work must begin this morning.

An assassination attempt on Donald Trump is a terrifying moment for the former president and for America

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FBI Investigates Trump Rally Shooting as Assassination Attempt

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Israel Kills More Than 90 People in Area It Declared Safe for Palestinians

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A new US move has sent Vladimir Putin into a tailspin of anger, with the Russian president vowing to “target” capitals with missiles

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NATO Summit: Supporting Ukraine on its “irreversible path” to NATO membership

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North Korea: "USA and NATO the greatest threat to world peace"

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Climate Change, Something Happened in June That Should Concern Us All

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Bullet vending machines are popping up. Alabama, Oklahoma, and Texas have introduced them in grocery stores, making ammunition more accessible. Soon it will be Colorado's turn

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Thousands evacuated as 'extremely aggressive' wildfire burns across eastern Canada

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The Jews are at the center of the discourse because the Jews are God's chosen people.

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US Missiles in Germany: European Cities Are Potential Targets for Russia, Moscow Warns

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India and Russia no longer trade in dollars

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Last Monday, China and Belarus began joint military exercises. These maneuvers are taking place a few kilometers from the border with Europe. Atypical military exercises that NATO interprets as a threat

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Manila urged to stop arbitration abuse roiling South China Sea

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The son of Asia's richest man, Mukesh Ambani, is getting married in the most extravagant wedding of the year. The extravagance and opulence surrounding the nuptials have led many to raise questions about India's growing inequality

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Buses Missing in Landslide, Dozens Missing in Nepal

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Russia Mocks Joe Biden, Roots for Trump: “He’s Their Gorbachev, He’ll Destroy the US”

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General Chiapperini: “NATO deterrence against Moscow is necessary as in the Cold War”

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In Crete no pier against mass tourism, tourists forced to reach the beach with backpacks on their heads - The video

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Either Israel manages to resist an independent "Palestine", which would give legitimacy to the continued "armed struggle", or the Jewish state eventually accepts an independent "Palestine", and the "armed struggle" continues, because the true meaning of "Palestine" was, is and always will be from the "river to the sea".

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A Pakistani court has overturned former Prime Minister Imran Khan's conviction for illegal marriage. However, Khan is set to remain behind bars for the time being

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As Europe Islamizes, Jews Should Jump Ship and Move to Israel

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NATO and North Korea Exchange Mutual Condemnation Over Pyongyang's Aid to the Kremlin

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Bird Flu: How U.S. States Are Testing Cattle and Humans for the Virus

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Messaggi : 1433
Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
Età : 54
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Messaggio Da Holubice Dom Lug 14, 2024 1:06 pm

@EMV wrote: 

"God said, 'Let there be light!' And there was light."

Honestly, between us, I think your 'exegesis' tends to stretch the Scriptures too much. With this way of proceeding, you can make them say everything, and the opposite of everything. But leaving aside this discussion, which I know leads nowhere, I have always been fascinated by that sentence you put above.

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Or from ' Light '. It was also the obsession of the good Einstein, who in fact managed to understand that the only constant that is present within this Universe, is precisely light. Time, and space, with the variation of conditions, can expand, or contract. Just think of the stars that you see above your head at night: they, in the best of cases, that is, observing the star closest to us, take four and a half years to make their light reach us. In the meantime that we look at them, they could have exploded and disappeared.

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Basically, centuries of scientific analysis and research have not yet been able to understand with certainty what Light is. It behaves like an electromagnetic wave, and like electromagnetic waves it travels at the same speed, but it also has a 'corporeal' part, the famous photons. And light, when it hits some particular metals, is also capable of generating electricity. And therefore it is also energy.

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If I understand correctly what I read, the Famous String Theory claims that the elementary element of which the matter of the entire Universe is made are Strings, or filaments of energy. It is only a theory, which must be supported by experimental evidence. 

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But that matter is energy is proven by the fusion of two nuclei, for example in the Sun, where two atoms fuse and decrease in mass, releasing an incredible amount of energy.

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And in my opinion, dear @EMV, the Light is nothing other than the concrete and daily manifestation of the Eternal Father. It is He who manifests Himself in the form of energy, and who, through it, constitutes the tiny bricks of which the entire Universe is built. He is omnipresent, for the simple reason that He is the starting material of which even the most remote grain of sand is made, on a remote planet, on the outskirts of the most remote galaxy.

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And if you think about it, our thoughts are nothing more than electrical impulses. So energy. That's how the hell it knows what's going on in all of our heads.

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And so, here are the words of the Carpenter's Son, when he warns us not to be careful only about what we do, but also to keep an eye on what we think . Because this is where all our evil actions originate. And also because, we are never alone, not even when we are premeditating and plotting something (1)

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1) From my Sacred Reference Text:

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Data d'iscrizione : 24.12.11
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